Elder Brandon Leslie

Elder Brandon Leslie

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Week #30


Elder Aguilar and I are really happy for Angel! This Saturday he got baptized and Sunday was confirmed a member and received the Holy Ghost! He even showed up to church in a white shirt and tie. I think he´s still working on the church pants, but more importantly he has a growing testimony. He is very humble and from the beginning has always asked great questions. Saturday after the baptism we celebrated with sandwiches,  delicious Horchata, and Soccer! Later that night Angel & family invited us over for mole on chicken and rice with pepsi. 

We are working hard to find  new people to teach, but as of now Hugo, Aurelio, and Joana are still good to go for April 9th. One time in the closing prayer, Hugo asked that the Lord could help him preach this gospel! haha As you could imagine, that brought an overwhelming feeling of joy in my heart. I feel extremely honored and privilegded to know Hugo. Aurelio is really old, but I think he is finally starting to get that fact that there is only one   church of christ and only one path towards God. We have explained priesthood authority many and we hope that the Bishop cleared up his doubts this Sunday during church. (for some reason he wanted to talk to the Bishop to know what he should do -- yes we have explained that he should get his own answer). Aurelio is awesome though. With his 90 years riding the earth around the sun, he knows the bible pretty well and grew up learning how to work. Joana is great too but for some reason couldn´t make it to church yesterday. We´ll find out why tomorrow. 

I´m doing great and improving myself everyday. Today is tough, but I happily look back on yesterday´s work.

Love you all! Keep praying for us missionaries and help the ones in your ward! Surprise them by saying something like: ``tomorrow night I´m free from 7-8. How can I help?'' 


IMG 3529 what´s this?
IMG 3530 50 pesos!
IMG 3534 me, elder Aguilar, andrea, Brenda, angie, ANGEL, Andres

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