Yesterday was a pretty special day at church. A less active guy named Osbaldo finally was able to make it to church with his whole family because he is changing jobs. This is awesome because his daughters just barely got baptized in march and they have a goal of being sealed in the temple. Also, another guy we just barely started teaching named, Ivan, came to church to and seemed to really like it. He has a baptismal date for the 19th and it´s looking like he might do it. Victoria didn´t get baptized just quite yet but will be having her baptismal service this saturday at 5pm. To our great surprise, this sunday being fast and testimony meeting......she went up to the pulpit and bore her testimony of happy she is to be a part of this church and how she knows it´s true. She told everyone that she is getting baptized and is very happy and very sure about her decision. This made me smile so big and I felt the spirit so strong. What an example to everyone! She didn´t even seem nervous or anything. Guess what else? One of the counselors talked to Yackelin (recent convert of march) and asked her to give a talk this Sunday! WOW. She told us she is really excited about it and a tiny bit nervous. But we know she will do great!
The guy from the street that told us all about how he wants to be like the 2000 stripling warriors, Julio, is progressing really well. He asked why the prophets in the Book of Mormon aren´t in the Bible so we explained to him and he seemed to understand it really well. We asked him to read and pray about it and God would answer. Then, we asked him when he finds out if it´s all true what he would be willing to do. He said, well I guess i would have to change religions and join this church that has the records of the other prophets. Bingo! He understood it! wow he is awesome. He accepted a baptismal date for the 28th, but first he said he will study more and pray more about it. Pray for him and his family please!
I´m good and working and working. I think we are going to play soccer today! This is gonna be fun.
Elder Leslie
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